City Ports for your Yangtze Cruise Tour

Before starting your Yangtze Cruise Tour, you may have already known which cities along Yangtze River, right? But do you know where your cruise embark and disembark? What are the details about beginning/arriving ports in each city? Now it’s time to know those City Ports for your Yangtze Cruise Tour.

According to the Yangtze Cruise routes, there are 3 ways to choose for Yangtze Cruise: Chongqing-Yichang, Chongqing-Wuhan and Chongqing-Shanghai. Therefore the Cruise Ports are in Chongqing, Yichang, Wuhan and Shanghai.

Chongqing Chaotianmen Port nearby the Chongqing Downtown, was built in BC 314 and survived from the fire in 1949, only fundamental shape left though, now with a new and imposing image standing on the Chaotianmen square. As one of the ancient gate of Chongqing, it is the perfect place to see the interchange view of Yangtze River and Jialing River, also you can see amazing river view surrounded Chongqing at night.

Note: There are different piers in Chaotianmen Port, before you go, check the specific pier.


Yichang as a gateway for the Three Gorges, has 6 ports here. Normally the New Century Port and Taohuacun Port (Peach Flower Village Port) are the Yangtze Cruise Ports, with 5 km between each other, taxi and bus are both available. Which one is the cruise disembark/embark will be told before 1-2 days of your Cruise tour. Contact our Experts for details.

With 9 port areas in Wuhan, the Hankou port is the destination port of Chongqing-Wuhan Cruise or as a stop port for Choingqing-Shanghai Cruise line.

wuhan port

Shanghai as the biggest seaport in China and get the nickname of “city above the sea” gives you chance to see Yangtze River estuary and Huangpu River at Shanghai Port- Wusong Passenger Transport Center, where is your start or end of Yangtze Cruise Tour.

And more info about how to get to those Ports and the corresponding cruise ships, you can find out on Yangtze River Cruises.

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